How a piece of E-lit changed my understanding about electronic literature
The piece of electronic Literature that I consider to have changed my understanding of electronic Literature is Shelly Jackson's Patchwork girl. This story can be called as a perfect example of the genre hypertext fiction. Before reading this text , I though that hypertext was just a link for jumping from one article to another and that it did couldn't be used anywhere else other that in sites for informational purposes. My view was completely changed after I read Patchwork girl as it shows how Shelly Jackson has ingeniously used the idea of hypertext to create a piece of literature which is divided into parts . After reading this text I found the concept of hypertext works to be interesting and found out that nowadays there are many works of fiction which are made using hypertext on the digital platform. I found these works of literature to be more interesting as it allows us a choice on what direction the story needs to take . So in the end I think people sh...