
Showing posts from 2017

A new Tomb in Egypt

It is after a long while that the international media has its attention turned towards Egypt a land full of pyramids telling the story of their pharaohs. On 9/9/2017 , Egytian archeologists have found a tomb of the royal goldsmith of Egypt that goes back to the time of the reign of  the18th dynasty that is almost 3,500 years ago. This tomb was found in the southern city of Luxor. The tomb, located on the west bank of the river Nile in a cemetery for noblemen and top officials, is a relatively modest discovery but one that Egyptian officials hope will help boost the country's slowly recovering tourism economy. El-Anani the antiquities minister  said the tomb was not in good condition, but it contains a statue of the goldsmith and his wife as well as a funerary mask. He said a shaft inside the tomb contained pottery as well as mummies and coffins belonging to ancient Egyptian people who lived during the 21st and 22nd dynasties. The minister also identi...

The latest rumours on i phone 8

                                                   Rumors about the new iPhone 8 has been coming out since the release of i phone 7 last September and the rumors have only increased as time has passed by . With the iPhone 8 being expected to release soon  like the last three iPhone which were officially launched in September , the hype about the phone has grown a lot. Here are the rumors and expectations that the people expect in iPhone 8 after the iPhone 7 which exceeded the peoples expectations. While talking about iPhone, has also decided to launch the i watch series 3 which is going to hit the markets soon along with the the i phone 8. The fact that it is the 10 year anniversary of the i phone series further incre...


                                 What is cryptocurrency? A cryptocurrency   is a digital asset designed to work as a medium of exchange using cryptography to secure the transactions and to control the creation of additional units of the currency. Cryptocurrencies are classified as a subset of digital currencies and are also classified as a subset of alternative currencies and virtual currencies. So, now that you guys have a basic intro on what crypto-currency is , I would like to talk about the worlds leading crypto-currency that is bitcoin. Bitcoin is a peer-to-peer digital crypto currency introduced as open source software back in 2009 by a developer referred as to Satoshi Nakamoto, though it seems that nobody knows the real developer’s name. Bitcoin is called a cryptocurrency, because it uses cryptog...

How a piece of E-lit changed my understanding about electronic literature

The piece of electronic Literature that I consider to have changed my understanding of electronic Literature is Shelly Jackson's Patchwork girl. This story can be called as a perfect example of the genre hypertext fiction.  Before reading this text , I though that hypertext was just a link for jumping from one article to another and that it did couldn't be used anywhere else other that in sites for informational purposes. My view was completely changed after I read Patchwork girl as it shows how Shelly Jackson has ingeniously used the idea of hypertext to create a piece of literature which is divided into parts .  After reading this text I found the concept of hypertext works to be interesting and found out that nowadays there are many works of fiction which are made using hypertext on the digital platform. I found these works of literature to be more interesting as it allows us a choice on what direction the story needs to take . So in the end I think people sh...

My view on Amanda Johnson's article on Kinetic Typography

Amanda Johnson through the article conveys to her readers about what Kinetic typography is and of how it has impressed her as she considers it as a tool which will help her in her career as a teacher. She explains that kinetc typography  is a kind of animation upon a screen that goes along with the text being portrayed. She considers Kinetic typography to be a form of art that makes it interesting to read texts .  She then goes on to compare the Kinetic typography  made for the song Help! By the Beatles and talks on how the video made by Bold Agency and Studio   beautifully combined Kinetic typography with the songs lyrics to make viewing the lyrics a fun experience.  Amanda ends the article by talking about how it will be helpful for teaching children as it interesting to watch . She also expressed an interest in using videos like this when teaching children songs.